- Choose New portal in the drop-down menu
- Fill in the portal information in the General tab
- Choose the name of the portal. The portal name will be displayed at the top of your Responza installation
- Enter an internal description of the portal for other adminstrators to see in the field Description
- Choose which knowledgebase the portal should be connected to by using the drop down list of existing knowledge bases
- Does the knowledge base not exist yet? Create a new knowledge base
- Choose which e-mail feedback should be sent to
- If you wnat feedback to be sent to more e-mail adresses, separate them by comma
- Choose how widgets and news should be placed on the front page
- Choose if there should be a login to the site (can only be chosed if your installation is setup for login)
- Click Save and to to the next tab Search
- Choose which other portals this portal should search in. In the above example, the portal searches in the portal Development and Documentation
- Choose which other portals this portal should search in. In the above example, the portal searches in the portal Development and Documentation
- Click Save. Now, a new tab called Section appears
- Choose which sections to be shown in this portal
- Choose whether the content of the section should be copied when the copy-button is used on an article
- Under Other settings you can select and deselect various functions
- Add your desired functions by clicking the pin to the green setting
Your portal is now created and ready for use.