Create a knowledgebase

Information - EN
  1. Choose New knowledgebase in the drop-down menu
  2. Enter the name of your knowledge base i the field  Knowledgebase Title. Users will not see this name - it is only shown to administrators
  3. Add a few words to describe the content of your new knowledge base in the field Description for Knowledgebase. Again, this is just for administrators 
  4. Choose whether the knowledge base should warn if an article is not connected to a category when saved
  5. Click Save

    You now land on the page Knowledgebase overview.
  6. Click Edit on your new knowledgebase. You will now return to the editor of the knowledge base, which now has an additional tab called Sections
  7. Go to the tab Sections and choose the sections you wish to use in this knowledge base

You have now created a new knowledge base. To disokay the content of the knowledge base to your users, you must now create a portal.