When creating an article, you must give it a status. You can always change an article's status.
The meaning and consequence of the various statuses are:
- In progress - save and close the article and return to it before you publish
- The article can only be accessed by you as editor as long as the article has this status
- The article can only be accessed by you as editor as long as the article has this status
- Not published - see the article in the article overview without publishing it in the portal
- Scheduled for publication - publish the article at a future date and/or set an expiration date
- After the date of expiration, the article will get the status Expired
- After the date of expiration, the article will get the status Expired
- Published - to publish the article right away when clicking Save
- Review - to send the article to a colleague for review and edit
- Choose the person to review your article from the Select a new editor-drop down list
- Under Comments for the receiving editor, you can write a note or message for the other editor
- When clicking Save, the new editor will receive a e-mail notification that they must review your article
- The article is not published as long as it has the Review-status